Practical Philosophy

Practical Philosophy

yin and yang in the dark sky, the struggle of opposites, Chinese philosophy
Intertwining Self-awareness and Trauma Healing

Practical Philosophy blends philosophical theories with experiential, somatic, and meditative approaches

alongside systemic constellation coaching and holistic energy practices.

Gain knowledge and skills to navigate ethical dilemmas and foster personal growth in service to self

and to others

It is designed to challenge your view of the world, how you live in it and how acknowledging an ethical

framework is vital to your interactions with your clients, colleagues and community to ensure appropriate

safeguarding & wellbeing.

The course will challenge you to look inwards through contemplative methods and in-depth universal truths to

develop yourself, your attitude and connection to others & your environment.

Moving beyond “good & bad, right & wrong” to harness your intuition.

The course is set over 12 weeks on a One to One basis via Zoom or a self-study introduction.

All course materials are provided upon registration.

An Introduction

Online Self -Study


Online self paced study of the following:

Why Ethics ?

Ethics vs. Philosophy

Ethics vs. Philosophy

Ethical Codes used in Care

7-day Journal assignment

Ethical Case-study reviews


6 weeks self-paced online study


£75 one off

Electronic seed, like a thought emerging
Complete Course

Working with Me


1. Ethical Overview related to the service of others

2. Ethical overview of governance of self

3. Understanding the Inner landscape

4. Acknowledging the Universal Laws

5. Becoming Integrated

6. Moral Art, Skill and Play

7. Further Investigations

Provision of a skill set based on care-centred ethical theory for analysing and resolving moral dilemmas in service to others and self

Establish an effective meditative practice to explore inner conscious landscape

Training on how to effectively acknowledge and experience own intuitions

Setting -up specific moral guidelines for professional or personal use

Homework assignments

Ethical Case-study reviews

Systemic Coaching & Constellation

Transformative meditation sessions at each class


— 12 weeks 1-2-1 Tuition

— Up to 2 hour online weekly sessions

— 7 x Modules over 12 weeks


Schedule a consultation to discuss your needs and receive a custom pricing plan.